January 22, 2012

#2013 and more :)

 Around this time last year, I said that #2011 would be my growth year and #2012 would be the year that my career sky rockets. And the way this year has be going already, I am so psyched to say I am definetly going to make shit happen this year!! Its not being cocky its just an inner feeling that I know its my time to shine, and I'm READY!!.... well ehhhh...im ready BUT i still have alot of things 2 work on!

 Here we are 22days into #2012 and I have booked a gig, got nominated for the Monsters of Hip-hop show and moving to LA in 2days!1 Words cant express how excited I am for this year, and I just know things will go well. BUT this is what I predicted last year, so its only right that I just put my goals/aspirations for #2013 into the atmosphere!

#2011 was mygrowth year
#2012 career starts to take off (Tour/Movie/Award show) ;)
and #2013... will be my finacial year, whatever I'm doing will be  the early phases of my empire. Credit on point As well as my savings account!And career wise  getting into acting and of course still dancing!

Taking everything one day at a time, and I am more than aware that there will be bumps in the road ,but Im up for the challenge, and I know that it will make me stronger. And to be honest I almost look forward to those struggles because that will always keep me humble and determined to overcome.

All I know is THE TIME IS NOW... and that THIS is what I'm suppose to be doing, and I couldnt be anymore happy that thru it all I decided to follow my heart.

-urs truly