February 1, 2011

Motivating. Excellence :)

I'm Super-HYPED b/c I have been given the opportunity to train with one of my FAVORITE choreographers in the Commericial Industry for 3MONTHS in her FIRST EVER training program "Motivating. Excellence" (M.E) !! Ms.Rhapsody James :-)

Ms.Rhapsody James :-)
Long Story Short--She's the Shit Beetch! and a HUGE inspiration to so many Dancers!

Next 3months --4days a week--6hrs a day
Performance at the end of April :-)

Myself along with 19 other dancers, auditioned and made it thru 2 cuts and an Interview! She picked 10 females and 10 males out of 150+ dancers

NYC bayyy-beee !

Well unfortunately there arent many dancers residing in NYC that are at the same caliber of dancing as dancers residing in LA, so naturally more jobs are on the west coast. Now $$ also plays a HUGE part in this as well for example, its WAYY cheaper to shoot a video in LA, than in NYC. Rhapsody is from NYC and sincerely wants to raise the bar for dancers here in NYC so then "M.E" was created! This training will consist of building a well-rounded Commercial Dancer!

-For me personally I cant stress how HONORED I am to be chosen by RHAPSODY JAMES!Obviously she sees something in me, and wants to bring that out.This is probably going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done, BUT Im UP for the challenge! I'll be sure to keep yal posted on all the amazing things we do :-)  Check out her Promo Video for the Program Below!!

"Cant Stop, Wont Stop"

-urs truly

Class Video/Personal Critique :-)

One of my favorite Classes at BDC is Jared Grimes! His Musicality is amazing, and since that is something I struggle with, its extremely beneficial for me to take his class as much as I can!

Personal Critique
1) Use my levels more
2)Be more dynamic, show the difference the groovy parts nd the sharper parts
3)The parts where we were allowed 2 freestyle I could have took more risks

Now to end on a POSITIVE NOTE
1) I give myself props for voluteering to go in a group, he asked 3 girls 2 go up so i figured hey why not!
2) I didnt let my nerves get the best of me and forget the choreo...sometimes i get in my head...nd just FREEZE, luckily this day I didnt.
3) Most importantly I tried, and did my best :-)

*If your a dancer and have any constructive criticism , shoot me a message I'm always open 2 feedback*

-urs Truly