November 26, 2011

Love Me ANYWAY :)

Soooooooo!! THE VIDEO IS OUT!!!

Recently shot Cee-Lo Green's newest Single "Anyway". The video came out a few days ago, and I want to share a behind the scenes Video Diary of what myself and the other Principle Ladies were feeling at that exact moment. Video pretty much SAYS IT ALL . Enjoy :)

Now with all that said! Check out Myself (Michelle Mitchenor), Mckenzie Fyre, J lyn, and Katrina Pettiford in the final version of the video! Watching this reminds me of when I was little girl singing in the bathroom mirror!Dreams are real..and can be reality if you just SPEAK them! Keep pushin :)

 -Urs Truly


  1. <3 it! I'm so proud of you! It's nothing like seeing the few who still go after their dreams even when its tough!

  2. Thank you so much Ash!! Cant Stop WONT Stop !
